I’m Shaun Taylor (Dr jay lee X / dr X /the maverick )And welcome to my official website ✅www.lovelightfamily.com

I’m Shaun Taylor (Dr jay lee X / dr X /the maverick )And welcome to my official website ✅www.lovelightfamily.com


Narcissism and how to heal it


Narcissists get very angry very quickly 

they are all about themselves 

They have no sympathy and no empathy and no emotional consequence  for their actions 

Why he or she tries to gaslight you 

  • People try or do gaslight other people, because of their own unconscious traumas, these traumas manifest themselves as insecure emotions, and we put up a shield and twist it round and demonise or gaslight other people, to put ourselves up, this is narcissistic behaviour 

Beware , for I am the narcissist   #post #3operations #inonemonth  #foot #disconnected  #from #leg #back  #tohospital  #againsoon  #recovery

Beware , for I am the narcissist #post #3operations #inonemonth #foot #disconnected #from #leg #back #tohospital #againsoon #recovery

Pay attention to the signs

Pay attention to the signs

Your perception is your reflection

Your perception is your reflection

I don’t see so much narcissists as such .  But rather I see , narcissistic low esteem people , calling everyone else a narcissist.  No accountability for how they think, feel and behave

I don’t see so much narcissists as such . But rather I see , narcissistic low esteem people , calling everyone else a narcissist. No accountability for how they think, feel and behave

Elemy.wpengine.com   Quote source ⬆️

Elemy.wpengine.com Quote source ⬆️



Sociopath means your not part of the herd, but here you are , thinking your so rare, in your perception of perceived world of narcs. Well it’s just a trap. They tell you. And you just repeat like a big foolish tiny brained parrot

Sociopath means your not part of the herd, but here you are , thinking your so rare, in your perception of perceived world of narcs. Well it’s just a trap. They tell you. And you just repeat like a big foolish tiny brained parrot

Ego likes to attach 

Ego likes to attach to an idea of how or why he or she is saying or behaving like this.

examples : oh if they react like this or that, then he or she is jealous of me

or he or she acts this way , and it means they are narcissistic .

This is what ego does, it attaches to these ideas or reasons, it's a coping mechanism of the ego 

Pay attention when it comes to narcissists 


    Not reacting or not being pro active in your approach to narcs red flags, will be your biggest downfall 

It’s pathetic, that one can use a healing concept , as a way to bully others

It’s pathetic, that one can use a healing concept , as a way to bully others

Ok, so narcissist is boring.  Yet you say , to be boring , to stop the narcissist from draining your energy.  But if you are being boring, and narcissists are boring, then how can you not be the one who is the narcissist.  CONFUSED 🫤

Ok, so narcissist is boring. Yet you say , to be boring , to stop the narcissist from draining your energy. But if you are being boring, and narcissists are boring, then how can you not be the one who is the narcissist. CONFUSED 🫤

I’m confused 😐

I’m confused 😐

If this hurts you, then you are hurt within your spirit

If this hurts you, then you are hurt within your spirit

Extreme unconsciousness

Extreme unconsciousness

Let them go

Let them go

If I say , that he or she is a narcissist.  I’m actually suggesting , that I’m not narcissistic or a narcissist, therefore there’s grandiosity there.  Which is,,,  What is it,,  Tell me ,,  It means I’m   Narcissistic,   ITS NARCISSISM

If I say , that he or she is a narcissist. I’m actually suggesting , that I’m not narcissistic or a narcissist, therefore there’s grandiosity there. Which is,,, What is it,, Tell me ,, It means I’m Narcissistic, ITS NARCISSISM

Everyone’s a narcissist, apart from them

Everyone’s a narcissist, apart from them